This issue features a report from Len Canavan on the 2013 WCF Golf Croquet World Championship tournament held this past spring in Egypt. There is also coverage for all five USCA Regional Tournaments and a photo gallery on the Association Laws National Championship. Other highlights include an article on Hall of Fame Inductees Charles Philip Lazarus, Anne Frost Robinson and Rhys Thomas. Carla Rueck is our player profile and there is the usual line-up of columns and departments for your enjoyment.
Unfortunately, there is an error in the results for the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Regional tournament on page five in the print edition. In both Championship Flight and First Flight, the results are off for second and third place. It has been corrected in the digital PDF version, but we do have to live with it in print. We apologize for the error.
The PDF version is best viewed as "two-up" and "show cover page" if you want to see the full spreads (on your Adobe Reader top menu: View/Page Display).
Also, don't forget to send your letters or questions to uscacroquetnews@yahoo.com so we can keep the "Inbox" page active and informative.
Dylan Goodwin, Croquet News Publisher