The RPM True Force mallet in action
Congratulations to RPM Mallets for repeating as our top vote getter in the Annual Croquet Mallet Poll. As a follow-up to the poll, here is a the full listing of manufacturers receiving votes along with additional details as available. For manufacturers out there missing details, please contact Croquet Network and details will be updated.
01. RPM / Ray Puckett Mallets (47 votes)
Manufacturing City: Auckland, New Zealand Mallet designer: Ray Puckett and Craig Smith

True Force (Click to Enlarge)The Story: Many years of development and a rigorous testing program in New Zealand and Australia has resulted in the RPM being one of the premier mallet manufacturers in the world. With over 10,000 RPM Mallets sold worldwide, it is proven testimony to the popularity and acceptance of the RPM Mallet. Every RPM is handcrafted and incorporates peripheral weighting within the croquet mallet head. This special feature results in less effort required to send balls further. The net effect is that balls can be placed with more accuracy.
Top selling model: True Force
Number of Models: 4
Where Can I Buy? Online and from various reps around the world
Phone: NZ 094210404
Price Range: $220NZD - $412NZD
Online Store: Yes
02. Morford (30 votes)
Manufacturing City: Southern California Mallet Designer: Robert Morford

Newest "Moment of Inertia" head. (Click for larger image)The Story: Mallets are designed and custom handcrafted by Bob Morford. Each one is custom built for the customer to his or her specifications. There are five different models which the customer selects and specifies the head height, width, length and weight. There is a choice of exotic woods and a choice of five different shafts. Each mallet is balanced with brass end plates to achieve maximum Moment of Inertia for the mallet head chosen to achieve the best torsional resistance for those straight shots. Our new newest head (pictured) achieves the best Moment of Inertia. From Robert -- Please visit the website to learnmore about mallet selections and read a few customer comments. I have lengthy conversations with new customers in person or on the phone to develop the mallet of their choice.
Number of Models: 5 model types/5 shaft types
Price Range: Mallet Head Prices range from $475 to $1,000. Shaft Prices range from $180 to $280.
Phone: 760.902.4992
03. Pidcock / Manor House (12 votes)
The Story: Pidcock mallets are hand made to a high quality. They are good, durable competition mallets fitted with carbon fibre shafts, and are used by many of the top players in the UK.
Information: Oxford Croquet has a page for Pidcock / Manor House at The Croquet Association also has them available through their online store.
04. Oakley Woods (8 votes)
Manufacturing City: Brighton, Ontario Canada Mallet designer: Don Oakley

The Predator. (Click for Larger Image)The Story: We have changed the way you think about mallet weight. Oakley Woods Croquet’s Predator mallet has pushed the envelope of mallet design. This new mallet offers high peripheral weighting and outstanding energy transfer. Don’t be fooled by its lighter weight. This mallet is a game-changer.
An ultra-light graphite (carbon fiber) shaft allows the effective weight to be placed where it matters most - directly behind the striking face. The shaft is completely wrapped in a comfortable and colorful foam grip, allowing the player to utilize every inch of space for unlimited hand positioning. The profiled foam grip is black with the bottom 6" reserved for your choice of blue, red or green. Highlight bands of blue, red, black & yellow add to the aesthetic.
The Hybrid striking faces combine stainless steel & carbon fiber. This is where some very unique magic happens. The combination of stainless steel sub-face and the thin carbon fiber striking face, allows the highest percentage of energy transfer to the ball. Players have told us that the ball “pops” off the mallet with very little effort.
Lower overall weight is a luxury you can now have thanks to this advanced design. Swing energy is more efficiently transferred to the ball, achieving higher performance. Stop shots to roll shots are more easily executed with the Predator. The low profile head measures 1-3/4" tall X 2-1/2" wide, providing a wider sweet spot. Head lengths are stocked in 10”, 11” & 12”.
Top selling model: Tthe Predator.
Number of Models: Total mallet designs made by Oakley Woods Croquet is nine for recreational through tournament players.
Where Can I Get One? Our mallets can be purchased directly from Oakley Woods Croquet at The Croquet Store ( Some models are also available through the Pro Shop at the National Croquet Center in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Phone: Toll free (North America) 866-364-8895 International 613-475-3541
Price Range: $44 - $375 (USD)
Online Store: Yes,
05. (tie) Danny Huneycutt (5 votes)
No information found.
05. (tie) Ed Roberts (5 votes)
05. (tie) Norwich Croquet (5 votes)
The Norwich Croquet Company was conceived in 2011 as a "boutique" builder of fine quality croquet equipment and emboldened by the role that our city played in the development of the American version of the game. We combine inspired design and passionate craftsmanship to create unique mallets - built to last. The materials used are a byproduct of our wood countertop business. Finally, our mallets are proudly "Made in the USA" and always will be.
05. (tie) Terminator-Mike McClure (5 votes)
09. (tie) Brian Cumming (4 votes)
No information found.
09. (tie) Mojo Mallets (4 votes)
Relatively new mallet maker based in Kansas City still in the prototype testing phase. Designed by Bill Berg.
11. (tie) John Hobbs (3 votes) -
11. (tie) Dawson / Australian Croquet Company (3 votes)
11. (tie) PFC Hoop Maker (3 votes) -
14. (tie) Clarkpoint (2 votes) -
14. (tie) Fenwick Elliott (2 votes) -
14. (tie) Kevin Brereton / Xact Mallets (2 votes) -
14. (tie) Percival Mallets (2 votes) -
Dave Trimmer - Rumor is that he has taken over Manor House / Pidcock Mallets
George Wood Mallets -
Fletcher - Fletcher Mallet Unboxing Video
JC - No information found
Townsend Aspinall - No information found
Transforma - No information found
Here is the active list of requests to be included in the 2017 Directory:
Brass Spot Mallets -
Palm Beach Mallet Works - /
The following mallet makers received no votes and will be removed from next year's poll unless a request is made directly to prior to January 1, 2017.
Jaques London, Arizona, Woodranch Horus & Isis (Egyptian), Lee Thomas, Bob Fish, Palm Beach Mallet Works, Rheinpark/Hang des Todes
on 2016-03-03 01:26 by Dylan
Added Brass Spot Mallets - as the first to request inclusion for the 2017 Directory.
on 2016-03-23 00:52 by Dylan
Added Palm Beach Mallet Works as the second request to be included in next year's poll and directory.