2016 Croquet Mallet Directory

Congratulations to RPM Mallets for repeating as our top vote getter in the Annual Croquet Mallet Poll. As a follow-up to the poll, here is a the full listing of manufacturers receiving votes along with additional details as available. For manufacturers out there missing details, please contact Croquet Network and details will be updated. 
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Croquet Poll: 2016 Most Popular Croquet Mallet

Last year, we provided the Annual Croquet Network Mallet Poll in December. This year, we've shifted over into the new calendar year and we are ready to see if any one can knock RPM Mallets from the top spot (2014 Poll). This year, we'll keep the poll open for one week (January 27 close). Users can vote for up to three mallets, so choose your three favorites. The idea is that many players own multiple mallets. Good luck and please report any omissions or corrections in the comments.
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Spectator-Friendly Deadness Boards

Now spectators can see the deadness too!

Joe Steiner has built a prototype of a double-sided deadness board complete with a frame. The base panel is screenprinted with the croquet colors. The slides fasten through slots in the base panel and cover or uncover the same color on both sides.

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Swing Coach Now Available in the U.S.

The Swing COACH is a revolutionary croquet training tool inspired by Reg Bamford, the world's most decorated croquet player and his swing trainer concept. WoodRanch Croquet Custom Shop is proud to announce the availability of the Swing COACH here in America. This is a great addition to your off season training program and a valuable asset to any club and club pro program.
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Product Review: Oakley Woods Sport Mallet


Price: $42 ($57 with cushion grip)
Website: www.croquetstore.com (oakley woods)
Phone: 866-364-8895
Other: Rounded or square heads available (tested with square head)

This one is on loan from my brother-in-law ... sort of. He left it here during his last tourney, so I decided to give it the fullsport_mallet_shadow_350.jpg croquet network review.

Overall, this a good mallet for the low price. It has a few ounces of additional weight over the extreme mallet, but it's still a little bit of an effort to plow through a backyard turf. Certainly, with a little power adjustment, you can make shots in the short game. The long splits are where you may feel uncomfortable.

The number one issue for the Sport would be the wooden head which will get dented and lose shape over time. My personal recommendation is that the polyethylene heads are worth the price because of the extended life. 

However, the Oakley Woods shafts always feel appropiately balanced and sturdy which is nice. With the lock system they use, you can always replace on old head or upgrade easily and have a pretty good tournament mallet.

Recommendation: For someone looking to get into a little more competitive play, I'd probably recommend something a little heavier like the Brighton. However, at $42 I think the Sport Mallet would be a great mallet for filling out your set or to have around as a house mallet for guests.

Product Review: Oakley Woods Brighton Mallet

Price: $181 (with aluminum shaft and 11” head)
Phone: 866-364-8895
Other: Rounded or square heads available (tested with round head)
Recommendation: If you are playing in more than event per season, this is a great first “real” mallet.

For the casual player this is a great mallet that will get you through the social backyard game or allow you to play in some competitive tournaments. The Croquet Store/Oakley Woods taper-lock system gives the mallet a solid, one-piece feel. For backyard play (longer grass) the rounded head is nice because it is less likely to catch on un-even terrain. Of course, if you are a backyard player, $181 may seem a little excessive. You could easily go with an ash shaft and skip the grip to bring the price down to a more affordable $125. The Croquet Store is based in Canada, so the shipping is a little more expensive, but the website ordering is fairly straight-forward. I generally order from this vendor once a year and they are good about shipping out in a timely fashion.

Another note for the casual player. If you are still using the “golf swing” for croquet , there are two things you should know. One, stop it. Two, the Brighton may be too heavy for you to stay consistent on your “Tiger Woods” swing. If you are dedicated to the golf swing, you should probably look into the Extreme Mallet.