The Complex Rover Ball Situation
I saved this one for last because I've been dreading sitting down and reading the six-wicket rules on rover play. I can safely say that I'll probably retain that information just long enough to make this post.
I saved this one for last because I've been dreading sitting down and reading the six-wicket rules on rover play. I can safely say that I'll probably retain that information just long enough to make this post.
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The March issue of Croquet Network was released over the weekend featuring an interview with women's GC world Champion, Alix Verge in addition to a piece on the Wine, Wickets and Wheels golf croquet event slated for July this summer in Fremont, Ohio. Paddy Chapman is the player profile of the month.
The Great Britain Team for the 2010 MacRobertson Shield is:
Keith Aiton (C)
Rutger Beijderwellen
Chris Clarke
Robert Fulford
David Maugham
Stephen Mulliner
Reserves to be determined.
Croquet Network Product of the Month -- Official Small Logo Croquet Hat - $18.95 plus s/h
For newcomers, the Croquet Network Magazine and accompanying website are free. To offset costs, we use Cafepress to push clever croquet shirts, hats, polos, coffee mugs and plenty more. If you enjoy the site or digital magazine, think of us next time you are in need of a croquet-related item. All of our designs are featured on the Croquet Network Store page. Consider this your once a month advertisement of our store.
This month, we're highlighting the Official Croquet Network small Logo collection. Click here to check out the full collection or to buy the hat pictured to the right, go to the Croquet Network Small Logo Hat page.