The World Croquet Federation has announced the 2025 Association Croquet World Championship will be held at the world-renowned National Croquet Center (NCC) in West Palm Beach, Florida, from Saturday, October 18, to Sunday, October 26, 2025. This marks the NCC's third time hosting the prestigious event, reflecting its status as a world-class croquet venue. The event will utilize 12 lawns at the NCC and two additional lawns at The Beach Club, with a player capacity of 64 participants.
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2014 Best of Croquet Network
2015 Women's AC Championship Dates
The organizing committee for the WCF Women's AC World Championship has announced that the WCF and the Croquet Association to hold the event at the Nottingham Croquet Club from July 25 to August 1, 2015. The event is being run in support of Cancer Research UK.
On September 21, the WCF will formally be inviting members to participate in the championship and to nominate players. Advance information for those who may be interested in playing is now available on the event's website at
WCF Timetable for 2015 World GC Championships
Gabrielle Higgins is New WCF Treasurer
2013 WCF Women's GC Event Delayed
The 2013 WCF Women's GC World Championship had been scheduled for March 2014, and the entry process had started. However, the situation in Egypt has taken a turn for the worse in the past month, so the WCF has agreed with the Egyptian Croquet Federation to defer the event until November 2014. The will re-evaluate the situation in Egypt in February 2014, and then confirm the dates and arrangements.