Croquet in DC
This looks my first croquet set, which is still in the garage. I think we need more informal croquet at public venues. The grass looks horrible by the way.
Three-Ball Break Video
This is a great video laying out a standard three-ball break in six wicket croquet. You can check out more tips and Bob and Ted's AOL Croquet website.
June Video: Rockin B Awards Ceremony
The Missouri Croquet Association had it's first event of the year with two flights at the Rockin B Tournament. Looks like Matt Smith won the championship flight and Harvey Clouse won the first flight. The MCA is setting the bar pretty high for the rest of us by producing video updates.
May Video: Mohamed Nasr by Bob Kroeger
I find this video to be very interesting for two reasons:
-- The way he opens his feet during the huge back swing -- Notice during the slo-mo on the first shot that the mallet follows through all twisted, yet the shot is still successful
Interview With A Minnesota Pro Player
This is from an Edina, Minnesota promotional show. A pretty good interview on the basics and some nice footage of play at their club.