The best of five finals today features Hisham Aboesbaa vs Mark McInerney. The big news of the event involves the elimination of Reg Bamford in the quarterfinals by Aboesbaa. In the video above, the shot was determined to be a fault because of "faint line left on the court."
Read MoreCroquet Video: Reg Bamford's Winning Turn (2011 British Open)
Paddy Chapman captured a gem with this winning turn video:
"Last few hoops of the final of the British Open Singles Championship. Reg Bamford completing his sextuple peel - just peeled 4-back and gained a rush to 2-back on the escape ball."
Croquet Video: Windstream TV Profile On Billy Bob Breeden
Billy Bob Breeden was interviewed by Windstream for an intranet video profile. Croquet footage is from LaFortune Park in Tulsa, Oklahoma and was shot the weekend of Midwest Regionals.
Read MoreCroquet Video: 2010 MacRob Highlights
A Paddy Chapman video of random highlights from the first two New Zealand tests during the 2010 MacRobertson Shield competition.
Illinois News Channel Takes A Croquet Challenge
Wow. A positive news piece on croquet that doesn't fall under the category of "isn't it funny that these people play croquet." The wickets are massive, doubles are too tight, boundaries off, but still ... it's a televised game of partner ball croquet. I'm shocked. A refreshing change of pace. It also demonstrates why you don't run up to hit the ball in croquet.
Croquet Video: Benefits of USCA Membership
A good video with Bob Kroeger and Ted Prentis discussing the importance of the USCA
Croquet Video: Justin Bieber Not Playing Croquet
I guess Justin Bieber is some kind of big deal. Here he is hitting small balls around with a toy croquet set for Vanity Fair. Imagine how effective this could be if he was on a real court.
Read MoreCroquet Video: The U.K., Great Britain and England
This video should be useful for fans of MacRobertson Shield and the World Team Championship.
Read MoreCroquet Video: Ice Croquet
A little cold weather shouldn't deter practice.
Croquet Video: Golf Croquet Practice
Unknown golf croquet player shows a GC drill.