Visit the storeAre you ready for a little trip to New Zealand? Most of the croquet news this week centers around the New Zealand Open, so grab your passport and enjoy the rundown ...
NZ OPEN REPEAT: Greg Bryant defeated Toby Garrison 3-1 (-26tp, +26tp, 26tp, +9tp) to retain the New Zealand Open Association title. Full match commentary here--
NZ OPEN OVERLOAD: The Wanganui Chronicle posted a rundown with photo on the New Zealand Open final between Bryant and Garrison--
2011 AUSTRALIA SPORTING MOMENT: The Sydney Morning Herald picked last April's win for Australia in the Trans-Tasman Test as one of the nation's best sporting moments in 2011. The post offers a recap on the win which ended a 20-year winning streak for the New Zealand side. Full article--
CROQUET VIDEO ARCHIVE: Duncan Hector posted this 1992 video of Robert Fulford performing a triple peel against Tom Browne in the British Open--
PALM BEACH CC RESULTS: Sherif Abdelwahab took the championship flight at the 44th edition of the Palm Beach Croquet Club Invitational at the National Croquet Center in West Palm Beach, Florida. Final placings--
CA MEMBER OPPORTUNITY: The Croquet Association posted details on applying for financial assistance opportunities for CA members. Details here--
NZ ANNOUNCES ACWC LINE-UP: Croquet New Zealand announced that the following NZ players have been selected to play in the 2012 Association Croquet World Championships held April 28 to May 6 in Adelaide, South Australia--
1. Greg Bryant
2. Paddy Chapman
3. Jenny Clarke
4. Mike Crashley
5. Phillip Drew
6. Hamish McIntosh
7. Paul Skinley
8. Aaron Westerby
9. David Wickham
10. Michael Wright