2025 Croquet News Volume 1: US Open GC Coverage

The Spring 2025 Digital Edition of the USCA's Croquet News is here! This issue highlights the inaugural U.S. Open GC tournament where Australia’s Robert Fletcher claimed victory. Inside, you'll also find the Annual USCA Club Directory and in-depth coverage of key events, including the GC Club Teams Championship, GC Seniors Masters, and American Six Wicket Seniors Masters.

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U21 Golf Croquet Championship Player Update

The world’s top young golf croquet players will converge at the Sarasota County Croquet Club from April 14-18, 2025, for the Under 21 Golf Croquet World Championship. This prestigious international tournament, sanctioned by the World Croquet Federation (WCF), will feature 28 competitors from across the globe. With the recent replacement update, the field now includes six U.S. players.

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Great Britain Announces 2023 Solomon Trophy Team

The team representing Great Britain for this year’s Solomon Trophy competition has been announced. The USA versus Great Britain test will be held November 7-12, 2023 at the Sarasota County Croquet Club in Venice, Florida.

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2017 Croquet News Volume 1, Web Edition

The 2017 Volume 1 issue of the USCA's Croquet News magazine is now available as a PDF for USCA members on the magazine page of the USCA website (log in required).

Here's the full run-down of articles you'll find in the 2017V1 issue:

  • 2017 World Golf Croquet Championship
  • 2017 USCA AC Laws National Championship
  • Club Teams / Croquet Week Coverage
  • 2017 Florida Golf Croquet Regional
  • Member Profile: Johnny Mitchell
  • Club Profile: Sarasota County Croquet Club
  • 2016 USCA Awards Winners
  • On Tactics: Plan Your Escape

ABOUT THE PDF EDITION: All website and e-mail links should be live in the PDF. If you see an interesting reference, you can click through to dig deeper or reach a contact right away. On computers, the PDF version is best viewed as "two-up" and "show cover page" if you want to see the full spreads (on your Adobe Reader top menu: View/Page Display). The PDF should also be viewable on most tablets.

USCA Working On GC Eights

The USCA's Golf Croquet Committee is proposing to initiate a brand new GC tournament called the USCA GC Eights. The inaugural event will be hosted by the Sarasota County Croquet Club in Venice, Florida, over the weekend of October 20-23, 2017.

It will consist of a maximum 24 players in three blocks playing on six courts, with the groups of eight built based World Croquet Federation grades. Within the "Eight" all players will play each other in best of three matches and the plan calls for two matches per day on the first three days, then two on the final day. All games will be played under WCF golf croquet rules.

There will be an opening night "Pot Luck" dinner provided by the club on Thursday to welcome the players and hand out court assignments. Play will begin on Friday morning play will begin and continue through Monday. The club will have breakfast snacks each morning and lunch each day for the players and paid guests. At the end of each day there will be an "Attitude Adjustment" with beer and wine provided. The club will take care of setting the wickets each morning prior to play.

The entry fee for this event will be $250 per person with an $80 social fee for non playing guests.

October Croquet Links: NCC, Nine-Wicket Website and Croquet Records


Sarasota County Croquet Club -- The SCCC is located in Venice, Florida and the video above is a superb introduction to the club.

National Croquet Center -- The crown jewel of U.S. Croquet is located in West Palm Beach, Florida and features 12 full-size croquet lawns and a 19,000 square foot clubhouse.

Detroit Croquet Club -- This site has intrigued me for quite a while. Although some of the pages have never been filled with content and no updates appear, I feel the concept of what they are doing and the feel of the site is unique and possibly a promising way to organize a club. Would love to see this site be more active, but at the least, maybe by checking it out club managers can draw from the website design and format.


USCA Nine-Wicket Croquet Site -- I think this site is structured well and can be a key to developing the game across the United States. The site offers an RSS feed so you can stay up-to-date with the news section with your iGoogle or MyYahoo page or other feed reader.

Croquet New Zealand -- The association site for croquet in New Zealand which boasts nearly 4,000 members. A functional site that seems to be updated frequently. My favorite discovery here is the collection of PDF versions of their magazine -- Croquet New Zealand Update.


CroquetRecords.com -- This site updates the International, U.S. and North American rankings among other things. If you dig around, you'll find a good history on champions and tournament results as well.

Bowdon Croquet Club -- The club in England looks like a good model for running a large club. Of particular interest to me was the pricing scale.

Country Club Johannesburg  -- I thought this South African site had a nice look to it and some interesting statistics on membership numbers for the commonwealth countries.

All links above will now appear in the Croquet Links section on the navigation bar at the top of the site. Any links back are greatly appreciated.