The 2021 Volume 2 Digital Edition of the USCA's Croquet News is now available for viewing as an eMag. This Summer edition takes a look at the USCA's return to tournament play with coverage of AC Nationals and Club Teams. In addition, the issue features the annual club directory and Annual Awards winners.
Read MoreUSCA Cancels 2020 Croquet Week
The USCA has issued the following letter from President Sara Low announcing the cancellation of the 2020 Croquet Week events due to the coronavirus:
Over the last few days we have received several inquiries as to the USCA’s response to COVID-19, and particularly now as this virus has been identified in Florida. The safety of USCA members, event participants and staff is and remains our highest priority. The USCA office and Management Committee are closely monitoring the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, and local health agency websites and bulletins for updates and guidance.
Read More2017 Croquet News Volume 1, Web Edition
The 2017 Volume 1 issue of the USCA's Croquet News magazine is now available as a PDF for USCA members on the magazine page of the USCA website (log in required).
Here's the full run-down of articles you'll find in the 2017V1 issue:
- 2017 World Golf Croquet Championship
- 2017 USCA AC Laws National Championship
- Club Teams / Croquet Week Coverage
- 2017 Florida Golf Croquet Regional
- Member Profile: Johnny Mitchell
- Club Profile: Sarasota County Croquet Club
- 2016 USCA Awards Winners
- On Tactics: Plan Your Escape
ABOUT THE PDF EDITION: All website and e-mail links should be live in the PDF. If you see an interesting reference, you can click through to dig deeper or reach a contact right away. On computers, the PDF version is best viewed as "two-up" and "show cover page" if you want to see the full spreads (on your Adobe Reader top menu: View/Page Display). The PDF should also be viewable on most tablets.
Morning Coffee: USCA's March Madness
Checking in on the big stories for the week ...
2016 AC WORLDS: The website for the 2016 WCF AC World Championship is available at:
USCA AGM IN MARCH: The 2016 USCA Annual General Meeting, which will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday March 19, 2016 at the National Croquet Center. A summery of the minutes of last year’s meeting is also included.
USCA Croquet News, 2015 Volume 1 Web Edition

The 2015 Volume 1 issue of the Croquet News is now available to USCA members on the magazine page. The issue includes:
- 2015 Club Teams Championship
- Chattooga Club Profile
- Croquet Week GC Tournament
- Florida Golf Croquet Regional
- Florida Six Wicket Regional
- Matthew Essick Profile
- On Tactics: Insurance Play and Swap
ABOUT THE PDF EDITION: All website and e-mail links should be live in the PDF. If you see an interesting reference, you can click through to dig deeper or reach a contact right away. On computers, the PDF version is best viewed as "two-up" and "show cover page" if you want to see the full spreads (on your Adobe Reader top menu: View/Page Display). The PDF should also be viewable on most tablets.
Morning Coffee: USCA's Croquet Week Is On
David McCoy beat Matt Griffith 7-5, 7-6 to claim the championship flight at the Croquet Week GC tournament. In first flight, Mike Sexton beat Bill Bromley 7-4, 7-1 for first place. (Full Results)
Croquet Week continues on with the annual planning meeting on Tuesday. Friday night is the annual awards ceremony, but the main event is the Club Teams Championship which kicks off Wednesday.
The USCA National Club Teams Croquet Championships will be held on the lawns at the National Croquet Center in West Palm Beach, Florida on March 12-16. Ninety players from clubs throughout the United States are expected to compete in five flights in this doubles only event on the Center’s courts. Teams not only compete for victory in their respective flight but are also competing for the coveted Lyons Trophy, which is awarded to the top clubs in three divisions.
USCA Club Teams Championship Draws Big
Croquet Week Gallery
Lots of photos are submitted for the USCA's Croquet News. They can't all get in -- here's one from Croquet Week in March at the NCC. Photo is from a gallery of nearly 500 hosted by Linda Gutherie. View them all here: