Morning Coffee: Time to Get Out and Play
It's 81 degrees in Kansas City, so it's time to stop writing about croquet and start playing. Here's your speed version of the Tuesday Morning Coffee ...
CROQUET WEEK GC: To kick of the USCA's Croquet Week and Club Teams festival of croquet, Sandra Knuth Walsh took a 7-5, 7-1 win to snag the USCA Croquet Week Golf Croquet Tournament title. Larry Cranfield took the first flight final with a 7-1, 7-4 win over Karen Heckman.
National Croquet Center: Sweetser is New GM
USCA's Croquet News: 2014 Volume 2 Edition
2014 Volume 2The USCA's Croquet News Magazine Volume 2 for 2014 has been mailed and members are already receiving copies. In addition to the paper version, you can now access a PDF of this issue in the member's section of the USCA website along with back issues all the way back to 2007. This allows you to enjoy the Croquet News on your tablet or computer.
The 2014 Volume 2 edition features a recap of the 2014 AC National Championship won by Jeff Soo as well as in-depth biographies on CFA Hall of Fame nominees Erv Peterson and David McCoy. Four regional events are also covered in this issue. We have an outstanding player profile on Rich Schiller and you will find the usual line-up of columns and departments throughout the magazine.
Morning Coffee: Clarke Croquet
When I heard that Chris and Jenny Clarke were launching a croquet instruction website, I was definitely skeptical. Oxford Croquet has it all covered, right? I was pleasantly surprised though as I took my first spin through. Essentially, what I see is more plain-spoken approach that is concise and with adequate amount of graphics. The format is nice as a sort of page by page navigation and I could see that translating easily into a print book (that I would gladly purchase). I am hoping there is a save my place function that I will discover in my next visit.
Morning Coffee: USCA's Croquet Week Is On
David McCoy beat Matt Griffith 7-5, 7-6 to claim the championship flight at the Croquet Week GC tournament. In first flight, Mike Sexton beat Bill Bromley 7-4, 7-1 for first place. (Full Results)
Croquet Week continues on with the annual planning meeting on Tuesday. Friday night is the annual awards ceremony, but the main event is the Club Teams Championship which kicks off Wednesday.
The USCA National Club Teams Croquet Championships will be held on the lawns at the National Croquet Center in West Palm Beach, Florida on March 12-16. Ninety players from clubs throughout the United States are expected to compete in five flights in this doubles only event on the Center’s courts. Teams not only compete for victory in their respective flight but are also competing for the coveted Lyons Trophy, which is awarded to the top clubs in three divisions.
International Golf Croquet Challenge Starts Tomorrow
The International Polo Club Palm Beach, in Wellington, Florida is pleased to announce the International Golf Croquet Challenge on April 22 – 24, with $6,000 in prize money ($3,000 first prize, $1500 2nd, $750 each 3rd & 4th) as part of the International Challenge Weekend at the Club. (MORE INFO)