In a move to attract new players and increase support for the serious sport of American Six Wicket Croquet, the Croquet Foundation of America, Inc. (CFA) and the JER and Linda Chilton Foundation, have announced a multi-year, strategic partnership to introduce the New Steuber Classic Croquet Tournament.
Read MoreNational Croquet Center: Sweetser is New GM
USCA Croquet News, 2015 Volume 2 Web Edition
Click to ZoomThe 2015 Volume 2 issue of the Croquet News mailed this week and should be hitting mailboxes soon. The web edition is also now available to USCA members on the magazine page. This time around we've created a few little extras in the web edition, so have fun checking those out. A few of the highlights include:
When Captain Samir Patel was bringing the sterling silver Solomon Trophy through customs, he was asked if he was planning to leave anything of value in the USA. His response, "Of course not."
Morning Coffee: Clarke Croquet
When I heard that Chris and Jenny Clarke were launching a croquet instruction website, I was definitely skeptical. Oxford Croquet has it all covered, right? I was pleasantly surprised though as I took my first spin through. Essentially, what I see is more plain-spoken approach that is concise and with adequate amount of graphics. The format is nice as a sort of page by page navigation and I could see that translating easily into a print book (that I would gladly purchase). I am hoping there is a save my place function that I will discover in my next visit.
CFA 2013 Hall of Fame Announcement
Save the Date! December 6, 2013. The Red Coats are coming.
The Croquet Foundation of America and the United States Croquet Association request you to save the date for the 2013 Hall of Fame Ball.