Soo #03: Tiebreakers Dead Ahead

Mike TaylorWhile there were some faster games today, there were still plenty of games going to time, including a 14-11 barn-burner in which Jenkins played Aunt Emma tactics to beat Pailas. Pailas has now beaten the top four seeds in his block but lost to two of the lower-ranked players; he can guarantee a spot in the knockout by winning his final game. A four-way tie for second place remains possible in this block. As does a four-way tie for fourth place. Which could also happen in the other block. The manager rather hopes that none of these scenarios transpires. But it does look highly likely that playoff games will be needed to determine the Elite Eight.

Some key matches for the final block games:

Huneycutt v. Lawrence: Lawrence is already in the KO; Huneycutt needs a win, or a loss from Bast.

Bast v. Osborn: An Osborn win and a Huneycutt loss creates at least a three-way tie for fourth in Block A

Patmore v. Morgan: Morgan is already in; Patmore assures himself a spot by winning

Cumming v. Taylor: Taylor desperately wants a win, although even with a loss he could still make a playoff

Jenkins v. Harshman: Jenkins still has an outside chance to make a playoff with a win; Harshman can guarantee at least a playoff spot with a win

USCA Croquet News, 2015 Volume 2 Web Edition

Click to ZoomThe 2015 Volume 2 issue of the Croquet News mailed this week and should be hitting mailboxes soon. The web edition is also now available to USCA members on the magazine page. This time around we've created a few little extras in the web edition, so have fun checking those out. A few of the highlights include:

When Captain Samir Patel was bringing the sterling silver Solomon Trophy through customs, he was asked if he was planning to leave anything of value in the USA. His response, "Of course not."

Prentis was my partner and he told me, toward the end of a match, 
that if I missed a shot we would lose. We were so far ahead I argued 
with him, then missed the shot ... and then lost. There is a lesson 
there, and one day I will figure out what it might be.

I bore you with all this because one of the most persistent myths 
about hoop-running is that you should play the stroke so as to impart topspin to the ball. This is impossible, if we take “topspin” to mean forward rotation beyond that of a normally rolling ball. What you want is not topspin, but instead a ball that is rolling rather than skidding when it reaches the hoop.
In addition, you will find coverage on:
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Jeff Soo Chasing Number Six

Jeff Soo certainly has his name all over the USCA Champion's page. In fact, he currently holds five National American Rules titles in both singles (2013, 2008, 2005, 2002, 2000) and doubles (2013, 2008, 2002, 2001, 1999). When the balls roll out for the 2014 USCA American Rules Croquet National Championships to be held October 5-11 at the National Croquet Center in West Palm Beach, Florida, Soo will be on the cusp of an unprecedented achievement in US croquet.
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CFA Offers Book on "Serious Croquet"

The artistry and emotions of competitive croquet are captured in a soon-to-be-released book.  It combines Bob Chilton’s poignant photography and John Osborn’s eloquent prose to depict the serious side of croquet as never before.  Bob has filled the 160-page, cocktail-table, 11” x 14” book with exquisite photography of over 130 tournament players from across the U.S.  John Osborn draws from his life-long obsession to capture the competitiveness as well at the humorous side of the sport.
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