I had originally planned an episode of Croquet Network Live for today, but the magazine and holiday schedule is heating up. CNL will not air today, but will return in December. In the meantime, I hope you'll keep the croquet community live by posting news, opinions, photos, events and photos on the Overdrive site. See you on the courts!
Croquet Network Live #4 - Billy Bob Breeden Replay
Listen to internet radio with Croquet Network on Blog Talk Radio
Croquet Network Live #3 - WCF Women's AC Follow-up
Croquet Network's live internet radio show will take place on Wednesday (10/31) at 1:30 p.m. eastern time. The featured topic will be the recently concluded WCF Women's World Association Championship. We'll hopefully announce a guest for the show soon. You can listen live here on Wednesday:
If you have questions or topics to submit, put them in the comments of this thread or e-mail to croquetnetwork@gmail.com
Update on 2012-10-30 01:06 by Dylan
WCF Secretary General Martin French will be our guest on Croquet Network Live this week. Get your questions in by commenting on this post.
Croquet Network Live #2 - Rothman, Mitchell and USCA Nationals
Listen to internet radio with Croquet Network on Blog Talk Radio