The 2022 Volume 1 Digital Edition of the USCA's Croquet News magazine is now available for viewing as an eMag. This Spring edition features extensive tournament coverage including GC Club Teams, Seniors Masters, Nine Wicket Nationals and the Florida GC Regional. All of the usual departments are included along with a member profile for Ryan Thompson of the Buffalo Croquet Club.
Read MoreVideo Archives: 2014 USCA 9W Croquet Championship
2010 USCA Nine-Wicket Nationals (Day One)
Nick Zink heads through the turn
SHAWNEE, KANSAS -- The first day of action saw 16 players battle it out in open singles play. The singles final will happen late afternoon today (4:00 or 5:00 p.m.) and will be George Cochran against the winner between Bill Martin and Billy Bob Breeden. Cochran has now made the finals three straight years and won in 2008. The playoffs matchups:
Bill Martin over Jeff Caldwell
Nick Zink over Matt Smith
Billy Bob Breeden over John Warlick
George Cochran over Matt Baird
George Cochran over Nick Zink
Billy Bob Breeden vs Bill Martin (late game)
Morning Coffee: MacRob Drama, Nine-Wicket and the Weeds Mallet
Coffee in the evening? Why not?
The truth is this is only the second team croquet event that I've covered with last December's Solomon Trophy being the first. I think I may be spoiled because that event and this year's MacRobertson Shield have been wildly captivating.
Croquet News: More U.S. Open Coverage, ECF Flag and Nine-Wicket Date Change
The Arizona Croquet Club website has a great article with photos on the recent U.S. Open competition. Definitely worth checking out.
The Croquet World website has a nice write-up on the introduction of a new flag for the European Croquet Federation.
According to the USCA Calendar, the Nine-Wicket National tournament will once again be held in Shawnee, Kansas (Kansas City metro area) and the dates have been moved up one week. It's still listed as tentative, but that's a giant "woohoo" for me personally as I won't have to give up my KU football tickets for the weekend.
Another Solomon Trophy Follow-up article was posted on the website. The website is the online presence for the The Desert Sun newspaper of Palm Springs, California. The posting also includes a couple of photos.
USCA Nine-Wicket Croquet Nationals Day Three Photos
Doubles Championship TrophiesThis is the final gallery in the series from the 2009 Nine-Wicket National Championship in Kansas City. The photos are from the final day which featured doubles elimination play and the finals.
Full photo series:
USCA Nine-Wicket Croquet Nationals Day One Photos
USCA Nine-Wicket Croquet Nationals Day Two Photos
Cochran vs Smith | Drawing by Elizabeth GoodwinContinuing with Day Two of the Nine-Wicket National Photos. Most of the photos are from the Matt Smith / George Cochran singles final. Smith won 32-23. The drawing above is how my eight-year-old daughter, Elizabeth saw the game (for the record, Cochran played blue/black). She gave the original to Matt.
Also included are photos from the Awards Banquet after the game.
Full Series:
USCA Nine-Wicket Croquet Nationals Day One Photos
USCA Nine-Wicket Croquet Nationals Day One Photos
John Warlick during 9-Wicket NationalsI saved back these photos until I was able to get the November issue of the magazine out. This is day one for the 2009 USCA Nine-Wicket National tournament. All of these photos were taken during block play. Two more galleries (day two and day three) will follow. Stay tuned.
USCA Nine-Wicket Croquet Nationals Day One Photos
Croquet Network Magazine (November Issue Available)
November IssueThe November issue of Croquet Network Magazine is now available and simply requires a subscription to our free e-newsletter to gain access. Again, there is no charge for subscribing. This month's issue is 19 pages and is packed with the following features:
- Six pages of USCA Nine-Wicket National Championship coverage
- Ben Rothman Profile
- Editorial on the Nine-Wicket game
- Listing of popular croquet websites
- Upcoming tournaments calendar
- Relevant advertisements from croquet manufacturers
- Active links in the magazine can take you directly to external websites or specific articles in the magazine
- PDF based so you can download it
If you love croquet, you can support this project simply by subscribing to the list. Just follow the steps below.
To subscribe to the FREE monthly online Croquet Network Magazine (PDF), enter your e-mail and name in the form below. You will be sent offsite for a username and password that will get you into the magazine page. Click the "Return to Website" to log into the magazines page.
Later, you'll want to check your e-mail as you need to verify that you want to receive the Croquet Network E-Newsletter which provides the new password for each issue.